Bucks County Playhouse
“Kate Marilley as Countess Lily…Picture a performer who erupts onto the stage ricocheting between exaggerated dance moves and impeccably timed slapstick that leaves the audience gasping for breath between thunderous laughs. Her facial expressions and precise comic timing transform even the most mundane moments into hilarious set pieces, with each gesture and pratfall calibrated for maximum comedic impact. As Marilley commands the spotlight, her musical comedy becomes a masterclass in physical storytelling - a whirlwind of energetic song, charismatic choreography, and unbridled joy that makes the entire theater pulse with the sound of laughter.”
- Tap Into (Joey Novick)

“Kate Marilley rocks the house as Countess Lily with true triple threat ability…the perfect comic relief that we need.” - Times Square Chronicles (Claudia Perry)
"Kate Marilley, as the empress’s lady in waiting, Countess Lily, brings bright spirit and Russian emigre zest…”
- Princeton Info (Neal Zoren)
“Kate Marilley brings sharp wit and charisma as Countess Lily.”
- Lower Bucks Times

Gulfshore Playhouse
“Marilley, who always picks the cad, eschews stereotypes and makes her Ilona a nuanced woman…sheer comic gold. She has two stand-out numbers, “I Resolve” and “A Trip to the Library,” where, much to her surprise, she unexpectedly meets a decent guy.” - Florida Weekly (Nancy Stetson)

“Her performance was great! …perfectly cast and so talented. Broadway right here in Naples” - Naples Local (Patricia C.)

(Broadway 1st National Tour)
“Speaking of Delia (Kate Marilley), ... a blend of sexy-wannabe-vixen meets modern-day-life-coach... It’s wild. Her comic timing is to die for, her delivery and setups are crisp, and she’s a singing-dancing-performing triple threat. She’ll keep you gut-busting and in stitches all night long, laughing until it hurts with all of her outrageous, exaggerated antics…she’s a gem". - Theatre Bloom (Amanda N. Gunther)

“In Marilley’s inventive, playful performance, Delia is no virago but someone who’s willing to enter inside Lydia’s world and improvise, stretching out words, donning personas, vamping. Her performance is so good you start to think maybe “Beetlejuice” should have started over, just with her and dispense with the rest of the intellectual property entirely, unshackling the show from whatever it’s creators think its fans want.” - San Francisco Chronicle (Lily Janiak)

(Broadway 2019)
“Kate Marilley stepped into Dee Dee's leopard-print ensembles with gusto, making like Eva Perón in front of the entire community, having a conniption fit over the loss of her Hamptons beach house, and reprising the eleven o'clock number from her biggest hit show.” - David Barbour of Lighting & Sound America

“ ...her standby, Kate Marilley, went on. You’d hardly think it possible, as the standby in a musical, especially on the heels of an opening night, has an obligation to slot into the ensemble and deliver a performance that doesn’t disrupt the group gestalt, but Ms. Marilley managed to do that and in addition, put her own spin on things. If she’s still available when Ms. Leavel leaves, and not first choice to replace…well, she’d have to be. Thus spake Zarathustra. And nothing taken away from the extraordinary Ms. Leavel; but when Ms. Marilley wasn’t there, I missed her.” - by David Spencer of Aisle Say New York

(The Denver Center)

“Kate Marilley as Judy Haynes did all the heavy hoofing and really rose to the occasion!” - By Michael Mulhern of BroadwayWorld Denver

(The Rev Theatre Company)
“Among Applegate's gambits to keep Joe Boyd on the dark side is Lola (Kate Marilley), his most reliable home-wrecker. Marilley brings equal parts comedic and dance chops to the character, from clumsily trying to seduce her mark in "Whatever Lola Wants" to anchoring the show's most dazzling ensemble dance number in "Two Lost Souls." By David Wilcox of The Citizen
(Pioneer Theatre Company)

“Kate Marilley as Lettie brings a colorful element to the cast as the maid. The bawdy interpretation of “Problematical Solution (The Dinghy Song)” had the Blue Hairs blushing around me and more than one audience member on my way out noted that was their favorite from the night.” - by David Mortensen of The Utah Theatre Bloggers Association